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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Competency 6 - Searching Databases (4th search)

Search Strategy 4 - Building Block Strategy

Naive Question: What types of duties might elementary school librarians have?

For my 4th database search I chose to use the building block strategy. As I've previously mentioned, I sometimes struggle with choosing the best facets to begin my search. The building block strategy really is all about those facets. Therefore, using this strategy will be good practice to help me improve in this area. Using this strategy, one must come up with terms and then combine them using Boolean logic to create searching statements. Terms can then be added or taken away as needed to find relevant information.
I looked through the remaining databases provided. My 3rd search using Library Literature was a very successful search. Since I have already used this question, I browsed to get an idea where I might have some more success. I finally decided on World Cat. I have used this database once before. One of my goals during this search is to gain experience modifying my facets and using a database I am somewhat familiar with gives me a comfort level to explore.

Search World Cat:
I again looked at my question and decided on facet terms. Using the thesaurus on World Cat, I entered each facet separately to find key terms and synonym(s) to use while searching. When using the thesaurus, I expanded the results as needed to find additional terms that might prove helpful during my search.

Facets/Key Terms:

duties, librarian, elementary school

1st facet: duties - duty
key terms: responsibility, educational accountability, job description, role

2nd facet: elementary school
key terms: elementary school, school

3rd facet: librarian
key terms: elementary school librarian, instructional materials personnel, school librarians, teacher-librarian

Retrieval Results:
According to the building block strategy, I now need to combine my terms using Boolean logic to create my search statement.

using the advanced search mode - subject headings
ss1: (duty OR responsibility) AND (elementary school OR elementary school libraries) AND (librarian* OR elementary school librarian OR teacher librarian*)
results: 0
notes: This search produced no results. I will change my statement and perform another search.

using the advanced search mode - subject headings
(duty OR job description*) AND (elementary school) AND (librarian*)
results: 0
notes: This search produced no results. I will change my statement and perform another search.

using the advanced search mode - subject headings
: (duty OR job description*) AND (librarian* OR teacher librarian*)
results: 435
notes: I immediately realized that many of the hits were outdated. Therefore, I went back and completed the same search but applied a date limiter (1995-2010) to receive current information.

using the advanced search mode - subject headings
(duty OR job description*) AND (librarian* OR teacher librarian*)
date limiter: 1995-2010
results: 3
notes: The 3 records I retrieved were relevant; however, I realize I must be missing other good information. I will complete another search and broaden my statement.

using the advanced search mode - subject headings
(dut* OR job description*) AND (librar*) AND (school*)
results: 75
notes: This was a good search. However, I still want to be sure that I am retrieving current information. I will complete the same search again but apply a date limiter. However, I will not limit it as much as I did before: 1990-2010.

using the advanced search mode - subject headings
(dut* OR job description*) AND (librar*) AND (school*)
date limiter: 1995-2010
results: 16
notes: The results retrieved this time applying the date limiter were much better than the previous time. I read through the retrieval list and was satisfied with the information that was present.


I was surprised initially at the lack of information I was retrieving. Although I realize my questions is somewhat broad, I have had success searching other databases. I had to remember that in previous searches I did not limit my searches by dates. This possibly plays a part in my receiving not as much information. This search highlighted the importance of becoming familiar with the various databases and search strategies. By know which database will be most effective, a lot of time and frustration can be eliminated. I also not grasp the role truncation plays in a search. When used properly, it makes a significant difference.

My selections:

Detwiler, G. (1990). Teacher and librarian perceptions of the elementary library media
specialist's role.
Thesis (M.S.)--Central Missouri State University, 1990.

Zmuda, A., & Harada, V.H. (2008). Librarians as learning specialists: Meeting the learning
imperative for the 21st century. Westport, Conn: Libraries unlimited.

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